Taylor might even have blushed a little, when Amelia praised him as he briefly hugged Amelia back when she pulled her arms around him. He smiled goofy, as he patiently watched her type in a new post on a hacker forum. When she was done, she showed the screen to Taylor, as he nodded approvingly. "Yeah; this sounds good. Hopefully people will help." he replied, looking at Amelia again with a bright smile, his tiny dimples showing. He hummed after a second or two. "Now we wait, I suppose?" he suggested, looking around in a lazy, bored way. His thoughts began to run, as he hummed again. "Do you think it's possible to rebuild a robot, and make it remote?" he asked curiously, looking back at Amelia and briefly at Vorrie. "Like; if we get our hands on a robot, perhaps put in some sort of remote control? If we could do that, we could destroy the robot facilities from the insides." he finished. [@ineffable]