[i][h3]The Guild Master:[/h3][/i][hr] [hider=Guild Master] [b]Name:[/b] Ares (Are-Es) [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/3149/f/2015/193/6/d/6d311ba16d7476d41e7ebe7d1b2564d4-d90z52i.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 53 [b]Height:[/b] 6' 4" or 193cm [b]Build:[/b] Somewhat slender and tall [b]Weapon of choice:[/b] One medium length sword and throwing knives [b]Basic Skills:[/b] Extremely persuasive in matters of importance, nimble and an expert level swordsman. [b]Personality:[/b] Does not often strike up a conversation unless something important is to be discussed. He won't turn you away and will listen intently of all matters brought to his attention but is usually deep in thought on matters of importance brought up by the comity. [b]Occupation before joining the guild:[/b] Draykon Mercenary [b]Basic origin story:[/b] Worked for the Draykon comity for many years as a mercenary until he began exploring the mountains or Irbel and discovered the ruins of an ancient landmark, almost like a throne room of some kind. He pulled together some of the lower ranking mercenaries and built what is now the guild. After discussing the prospect of the guild to the comity it was approved immediately with the condition that Ares become an adviser to the comity and report any suspicious on goings to them. [/hider] [i][h3]NPCs:[/h3][/i][hr] The Administrator [hider=Athena] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Veloce.Visrin.full.565947.jpg[/img] Athena is the Administrator. She is the person who receives a missions before posting them on the notice board. When picking up, turning in, or collecting a reward on a mission, she is the one you need to talk to. You would also speak to her about additional details on a mission if you feel you need them. She is quiet and soft spoken most of the time but will always be sure your questions are answered. [/hider] The Blacksmith or Weapons and Armour Master [hider=Artemis] [img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/edd7/th/pre/f/2011/121/b/a/weapons_master_by_graysun_d-d3fcyhd.jpg[/img] Artemis is stubborn and hard headed but, she is the best blacksmith in all of Draykon. She'll get on you if your not routinely getting your weapons and armour checked out for defects or tune-ups. She worked for the mercenaries of Draykon before they became the guild.[/hider] The Apothecary [hider=Hygiea] [img]https://cdnb1.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/003/514/773/large/aleksander-karcz-loreth-aleksander-karcz.jpg?1474539136[/img] Hygiea is a very skilled and wise apothecary. She may be an older woman but her knowledge of the art of herb mixtures and potion making is seemingly second to none. She is very humble and gracious often wishing adventures well off as they leave for missions. [/hider] The Bartender [hider=Hathor] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/cfa3/f/2015/259/7/6/76cd0c33a32d0280248e2937a24bc002-d99udph.jpg[/img] Hathor is eccentric and lively. She was once an adventurer as well but found she enjoyed the food and drink more then the adventuring. Now she works the lounge giving energy and enthusiasm to the room. Hathor is extremely flirtatious if you get her talking for too long but it is mostly all in good humour. [/hider]