[center][h1][color=39b54a]Robert Moore[/color][/h1][h3]Day 6:Morning[/h3][/center] "[color=39b54a]Uh, thanks.[/color]" Robert mumbled. [i]Six days!?[/i] He wasn't sure he remembered anything after the second day. How long had he been out, and this only raised more questions about when he'd last eaten. Robert glanced at the plate she was loading up, and tried to determine if he should say anything. With the way he was feeling, he wasn't sure he'd be able to stomach the food. Honestly, he'd been looking for something lighter, and more easily digestible, like soup. This food, on the other hand, was heavy. He'd actually been thinking of slipping directly into the kitchen area and attempting to fix something up for himself. In the end, he couldn't decide before she'd handed him the plate and then a peach too. "[color=39b54a]Oh, uh, thanks. Um... for the food.[/color]" He wondered if he should ask. [i]Who was Jae?[/i] Maybe Jae was one of the cooks? He wasn't sure. After a moment he realized he'd taken too long to think it through, and felt as if things had gotten awkward. It was time to retreat. "[color=39b54a]Please tell Jae 'thanks' for me too.[/color]" Robert managed a smile at her and found a corner to put down the peach and the plate. It was slow going, as he swayed a little on his feet. He made a second trip to retrieve a fork, a knife, and some napkins. Maybe if he cut it into really tiny pieces, it'd be okay. He stared at the food in front of him, and picked at it and poked at it. He really wasn't feeling all that well. In fact, he already felt like emptying his stomach, and he hadn't even eaten a bite yet. The food smelled good, but something about it made his stomach revolt. At least, he thought it might be that it was revolting. He wasn't sure if it was that his hunger was causing his stomach to try to jump up his throat and grab the food, or if it was that his stomach was trying to escape. He steeled himself and cut off a thin slice of meat, and popped it into his mouth. He let it sit on his tongue for a bit, chewed and then finally swallowed it. After a minute or two, he found he didn't need to rush for the restroom, and decided that it might be fine to keep going. He was starving. He winced a little at the loud voices near him. His head was pounding, and he was thirsty. His eyes searched around for the water bottles, and was about to get up and retrieve one, when he suddenly processed that someone had said something to him. Right, it was the Asian man. "[color=39b54a]Oh, uh... yeah, thanks.[/color]" He mumbled, but he had already missed his chance to really respond. The man was already talking to another. [i]Smooth one Robert, smoooth.[/i] He slowly shook his head. It felt like it would be rude if he just got up and left even if it was to retrieve some water. He eyed the peach. Maybe he'd try that. He hoped it was juicy enough to quench his thirst. At the very least, it would give him a moment or two before he went to get some water. At least leaving wouldn't seem so abrupt, he hoped. He nibbled at the peach and chewed carefully. He still felt fine after a pause, so he nibbled a bit more until the sweet juices started to rush into his mouth. It wasn't quite as sweet as he expected, and the taste and texture felt somewhat different from the peaches he remembered. Then again, for the last year, the only peaches anyone got to eat was the canned kind. It was odd, but pretty good. After a minute or two, the sweetness was starting to get a little overwhelming, and so was the saltiness of the pork. It wasn't that it was too salty, exactly, it was more like, he really wanted some water. He put down the peach, wiped his fingers with a napkin, and then went straight for the water.