[color=92278f]Vivian[/color] Vivian watched as the battled drew out. She came across the battle between Alexander and his Gnoll and Fordes against his. Problem was Fordes was tending his wounds unaware of the Gnoll charging at him. She smirked as she cast her spell. [color=92278f]"Blink"[/color]soon after she blinked and raised up her staff in preparation. Before the Gnoll's weapon hit Fordes he would find himself hitting steel. Vivian in instant teleported herself in time to block the attack. She opened her eyes with the smirk remaining. [color=92278f]"Have you ever wondered how it would feel to become blind?... Blindness"[/color] She said as she shoved him back and aimed her hand at the Gnoll. Everything would soon go dark and black. His eyes stolen from him. She could already see it take effect on the Gnolls mind as he staggered trying to get hid bearings. His natural senses still could tell where her location was but not where exactly. She took this chance and still held her hand in place and cast the final blow. [color=92278f]"Lightning Bolt"[/color] Just like that a bolt of lightning flew out and hit the Gnoll in the chest. Her scorpion was still at play. It could not teleport but it would not stop it. It charged at the back of the enlarging Gnoll. It did not stop even as the Gnoll charged at Alexander. All the scorpion had to do was sting the creature and it would be over. [color=6ecff6]Alexander[/color] He witnessed as the Gnoll he was facing grew bigger.Due to the potion and the knight let out a sigh..... [color=6ecff6]"Well this just got a whole lot better."[/color] He said as he noticed the large scorpion take charge at it from behind and then to the Gnoll. It claws now large enough to do some damage but... It was bigger now. That also meant it was slower. Alex really wished he had a Lance right now. He gulped and had to come up with something. He lifted up his shield and charged at it. Deciding to meet it's attack with his own. He lunged as it would lunge with it's claws. He could feel his sword enter it's stomach.... But it did not come without cost as he felt the strike of the claws against the side of his helmet knocking him back. The claws and slashed through it surprisingly and left him with soon to be scars across his face. As he flew and with the ground his helmet managed to fly off as well. He could feel the blood trickle down his cheek and onto the burning sand. The Gnoll stood over him. His sword still in its gut. It growled and was about to finish him. The Gnoll forgot one thing though. A yelp came from it as it felt it had been stuck by a stinger. As it turned around it saw the scorpion ready to sting him again. The poison already taking effect. Fordes heard the sounds around him and sprung up. Ignoring its wounds for now and saw the Gnoll that had just sent it's master to the ground. Fordes took charge to stand beside the scorpion.