[@13org] I see nothing wrong with your edits you made— so you’re fine. I guess the only thing I can tell you right now is to calm down, I make a variety of jokes to ease things not make people have a neurotic meltdown so the best thing to keep in mind is unless I’m writing something [i]serious[/i] and letting you know as a GM call you are fine. Still it is good to keep in mind the rules you have agreed to recognize and follow upon applying for a character, and one of those is post content. I know several people who don’t have English as their original language and I’m fairly accommodating on those who incidently make a typo here and there or don’t format their posts like a clusterfuck. My preferences (don’t write dialogue in the middle of a paragraph, etc.) won’t really be a factor. I might make quips of “hit the enter button more” but they are nothing but [i]quips[/i]. Keep in mind my posts will not be the expectations everyone is beholden to— even in Avalon Academy I didn’t ask everyone to post on par with [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3818756]opening post[/url]. Though reading that RP's OOC is a good measure of what makes me [i]happy[/i] in terms of content; but again, it is no means a quantifier or post requirement. Remember all I said in Section II of the Rules is this: [quote=@Gowi]The writing level I expect is somewhere around medium expectations ([b]high school-level equivalent[/b]). This means comprehensive understanding of [b]basic grammar and spelling[/b] is expected, characterization is important, narrative is important, and detail [b]behind those are appreciated.[/b] I’d want maybe two paragraphs as a rule, though if it fits a post that there is enough to respond to and react with in one paragraph than that’s fine, but one-liner’s will definitely be off-base. [b]Keep with the fluidity and enjoy yourself;[/b] though quality posts don’t have to be textbooks and I severely doubt I will require a “novel”-esque post. A good [b]guideline[/b] is this quotation that I adhere to for my own posts: [i]“Roleplaying should focus on developing interesting and complex characters that become part of plot-lines which catch the imagination and inspire the writer behind them to exercise creativity. It is mature, humorous, imaginative, tragic, terrifying, passionate, and rife with descriptive language and characters with real personality and relatable cares. Quality posting is far better than needless novels, yet one should never neglect detail when one feels the need. However, while word and paragraph requirements ought to be unnecessary, single paragraphs cannot contain enough detail to suffice.”[/i] With that said,[b] I will not be putting posts under extreme analysis[/b] nor will I be inciting a “word count”. So just [b]use your personal judgment[/b] and we’ll be awesome.[/quote] The posts you showed me make me want to dust my proofreading hat off (due to blobbing, pet peeves of dialogue formatting, etc) but they seem fine enough. Do not stress yourself. The key is to have fun and be proud of what stories we're telling. [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/c5d7c8f91f2305e5c3ac4181beebf563/tumblr_no44wyX8Fu1t24nz3o1_1280.gif[/img]