[center][b][center][h2][color=8882be]Aki Ogawa[/color][/h2][/center][/b][/center][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5b3c2540-3de1-4789-99d9-df1bb4609548.png[/img][/center][center][b]Interacting with [@pkken], [@Aladdin Sanity], [@Shmektheshmuck], and [@Kimmininja][/b][/center] The colorful, neon boy flew through the window with ease and in great time, his barrier crackling loudly as Aki looked around for any stairs to the rooftop floor. Sadly, he had dismissed Su-mi's warning of not being seen, and thus, alerted the watchful Ken quite easily. The villian's footsteps pattered down the flights feverishly as Aki entered, the clone passing by the neon boy in an instant before disappearing down another set of stairs. This sudden phenomenon startled the hero, indeed, but soon enough Aki regained his wits and barreled down the stairs after Ken. In order to make-up for Ken's advantage in speed, Aki started jumping down the large array of stairs almost a whole 6 steps at a time. His barrier gladly helped with this kind of movement, much like it had done on the rooftops. Aki, pursuing Ken to the best of his abilities, tuned in with his team again. [color=8882be][i]"He saw me. Ken is leaving the center building with a hostage, I'm in pursuit."[/i][/color], Aki informed his squad. Once out of the large building, both racers speed down the roads and alleyways of Beta. Aki, here, had a grand disadvantage. Becoming winded, Ken started making leaps away from him before turning into a tight alleyway and disappearing into another building. This gave the no-longer neon boy time for respite, his wheezing quieting down as he approached the small structure. He would have to be much more stealthy now: taking Su-mi's words to heart, Aki entered the building as quietly as he could. [color=8882be][i]"Ken is in a stout building a block or-so away from the center of Beta. I'm infiltrating, so try to find any other hostages while you can. I'll call if I need help"[/i][/color], the boy whispered before opening the heavy metal door into the complex. [hr] The first floor of the building hosted nobody whatsoever, but, skulking up the narrow stairs, Aki found that he could not say the same for the second floor. The boy crept into a room who's walls were composed of mostly glass, and there stood Ken with the hostage in-hand. His back turned to Aki, and conveniently faced towards the window, the boy made small silent steps towards the villain. All he had to do was grab him, then Ken would be immobilized by Aki's barrier. He just had to grapple him. Just... Had... To... [center][b][i]Sqqquik[/i][/b][/center] The floor, a light metal substance of sorts, gave a horrible squeaking sound as Aki approached, both arms extended, at his target. Ken, whipping around to see the plain boy behind him, was suddenly tackled by the small hero. Aki's arms wrapped around the villian's waste in an instant, gripping his own wrist's to provide an even greater grip. Aki's barrier shot on, grounding both boys to the ground, and thus the sequence was complete. [color=8882be][i]"I have him!"[/i][/color], Aki yelled triumphantly into his comm. Now, he could only hope that this action could keep Ken immobilized for long.