[hr][center][h2][color=red]Wednesday[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Wednesday’s doey eyed stupor was broken by a higher and slightly higher pitched polish accent. She was tall and thin like the woman who had greeted her, matching up evenly with Wednesday’s own stature, but neither of them had the appeared to have the same mass she did. The two greeted with a hug, and Wednesday briefly wondered if they were sisters. Wednesday’s ponderings were cut short by Arianna introducing this newcomer as Andrea- the polish beauty queen. Now, where she raised, there wasn’t such a thing- but she could use context clues to get some meaning from the words ‘beauty’ and ‘queen’. Wednesday wasn’t quite sure what to do with this information, and was thankful that she held back her scoff when Andrea played it off as Arianna just being cheeky. Andrea was slightly odd. Every now and again her eyes would advert quickly and in odd directions, as if she was seeing something. Wednesday quickly turned around when it appeared as if Andrea had seen something behind her. Old habits would die hard- and this girl was making her… uneasy. She commented something about weary shoulders to as if speaking to someone. Wednesday opened her mouth to speak, but Arianna had a look in her eyes that made her set her jaw instead. “What are you worried about, miss?” Andrea questioned innocently. Arianna quickly stepped in, knowing full well that Wednesday was a [i]problem[/i] student and wasn’t here for normal reasons. “Lets just say I’m watching her, love.” Arianna stated, and it dawned upon Wednesday that Arianna hadn’t come to her because she wanted to- but because she was assigned to. Arianna’s eyes met Wednesday’s and she came to the sudden realization that whatever this woman could do, it was powerful enough to combat her own abilities and [i]win[/i]. She was one of the deadliest around where she came from, and being presented with such a person was both foreign and a challenge. Wednesday furrowed her brow and opened her mouth to send some biting remark Arianna’s way, when a giant reptilian man garnered her attention. “Alright, get to your seats, the speech is starting!” Arianna said, ushering them towards the chairs that were recently set up. Wednesday grabbed Andrea’s shoulder before splitting off. “Come find me after the speech- we’ll talk.” [sub][@Spoopy Scary][/sub] [hr][center][h2]Elias Winzer, [b]Henry Olin[/b], and [color=green]Kenna Sterling[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] “Okay, so, this is basically the plan.” “Fill me in, Winzer.” “I’ve assigned you these kids. You know the general deal - let ‘em know that you’re their teacher for the most part and that it’s [i]my job[/i] to fuck them over and all that. Would have you get Kenna in on this but she’s pretty new. Where is she, by the way?” Henry and Elias, as is they were both thinking the same thing, began surveying the area- as if trying to find their recent addition that had turned their duo into a trio. Much like Henry, the poor girl stuck out like a sore thumb compared to most people- so her lack of presence was both interesting and alarming at the same time. “So, she [i]was[/i] going to do the introduction speech but I think we’ll save that for later since your dumb ass didn’t give her much time to prepare.” “Hey, fuck you Eli. I’m responsible.” “And I’m a hippo.” “AND I’M JAVERT!” Right on cue, Kenna Sterling flounced onto the scene like she sprung up from the ground, munching on half of a chocolate bar like she wasn’t running fashionably late. “Oh Jesus Christ- that is a dated reference.” Henry said, covering his surprise upon Kenna’s sudden arrival. Eli, stepping back a bit with his hands in his coat pockets, added with, “Yeah, it’s an older meme, but it checks out.” Smirking. “Oh my reference is too old but THAT gets a pass?” Kenna sarcastically complained before shoving the entire chocolate bar into her mouth “Ahm abfolutely affunted!” “Remind me why I picked you again? There was a brilliant woman with telepathy I could’ve gone with. I bet she would’ve been super helpful.” Henry said, feeling like the only serious one being ganged up on by two shitposters on /b/. “Because I’m adorable?” Kenna suggested sweetly, giving a big grin as she wrapped today’s scarf (purple with yellow stripes) around her shoulders with a flourish. “Or maybe because she doesn’t know what a Gorn is. Either way I’m two points up on her, bub.” “Okay, just… I’m giving the speech this time, Ken- you’re going to be giving the students these as I’m speaking.” With one of his meteor hands, Henry deposited an entire stack of papers with various names- all organized in alphabetical order, into Kenna’s comparatively much smaller and leafier arms. They were actually packets, stating where the student’s would be residing, class time information, a map of the school, basic Promise rules... All the information they should require. [hr][hider=2001: A space odyssey][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTL4T_NVGhY[/youtube][/hider][hr] “Alright, Terabyte. Que the speech now.” [i]”Right away, Mister Doctor Professor Olin.”[/i] The lights flickered some, and the older students among the group began ushering the new arrivals to their seats. Each seat had a small card with the student’s name on it, signifying where they should be sitting. Henry and Kenna made their way onto the platform, and waited for a moment as the crowd sorted itself and became seated. The crowd quieted, and the attention fell upon him. Henry was no stranger to speeches, in fact, public speaking was kinda within his job description as a teacher. He looked around the crowd, his reptilian eyes falling onto some of these new students and he couldn’t help himself from grinning. He took the microphone from the (comparatively small) podium and began speaking. “Good afternoon everyone!” In the background, a low, ambient, and utterly ridiculous tune began playing. Henry’s eyes shot to the side at Eli, who was off to the side, trying to hold in a laugh. Kenna herself looked like she was about to start crying. Be it from laughter or embarrassment, Henry couldn’t tell. “My name is Professor Henry Olin, and it’s a pleasure to meet all of you.” As Henry spoke, the music got louder and louder. Elias was losing his shit off stage. Kenna was shaking with the effort of trying not to burst out laughing. “Today you all took your first steps toward a bigger and brighter future, and today-” The music continued to get louder, to the point where Henry was now yelling. The plant girl had doubled over so low from trying not to laugh that only the rose on her hair was visible from the crowd. “Today I’m going to wring Doctor Winzer’s neck if he doesn’t turn the music down!” The music was promptly lowered, and Henry waited for Elias to calm down before continuing. When the troll finally calmed down, Henry returned his attention to his class address. “How’s it going, Class of 2081!” The older students roared in a cheer, which caused many of the new students to contagiously join in. “I have been assigned to your group, and will be teaching you your power instruction for the next year or so. Today I’m going to be giving you a basic rundown of the rules of The Promise. Basically, don't be a jerk, keep the power usage low outside of class or without officials present, and don't break anything.” Henry said, knowing full well that such a simple explanation likely wouldn’t suffice in covering all the rules. “If you need to know more, I’d suggest looking at your packet that my assistant here-” Henry said, prompting Kenna to exit the stage and begin passing out the packets. “- Kenna Sterling, president of our student orientation program, will be passing out to all of you. It should include essential locations, rules, a map, and other goodies. Those of you with phones should be receiving a text right about…” [i]”Now.”[/i] Terabyte’s voice chimed in, followed by a cacophony of phone alerts chiming in. “This, class, is Terabyte, also known as Zoey. She handles many features, and if you have any questions about [i]anything[/i], just ask her via text our out loud if you want. She should be able to answer with no issues.” “Just remember that the questions you ask her get logged...learned that the hard way,” Kenna said with a wink to the Taiwanese girl with the dark brown bob cut [@Loki Odinson] she handed her last packet to. Getting a sudden thought, she sprinted to Henry’s side and stepped up to the podium, comically leaning over his muscled arm to tug the microphone from in front of her mentor. “Ooh, don’t forget, tomorrow at eight the SOA is hosting the annual Promissory Informal Social Samba for new and returning students! Come as you are, we have lots of food, games, and music of varying quality, it’s a wild time!” Eli could be heard laughing once again. Henry took the microphone back from Kenna, and began to talk again. “I’ll be about, so if any of you have any questions or just want to talk before tomorrow, I’ll be around socializing!” “Me too, any questions or concerns for you new guys, just give me a yell!” Kenna shouted without the use of a microphone. Music began to play again in the background and Henry and Kenna stepped down from the stage to join the crowd. Eli was still calming himself down in the corner of the room. “Priceless…” He said to himself, smiling. [sub]Written in collaboration with [@KaiserElectric] and [@SepticGentleman][/sub]