[i]The Repentant[/i] strike cruiser of the Angels of Absolution fell through space with all due haste toward the outskirts of the Eye of Terror. One of the Imperial worlds in this unfortunate region of the galaxy had sent out a distress call. The wasn't an unusual event, for the Black Legion often threatened this zone. Several space marine chapters gave the routine response of a shift in their forces, redirecting ships to where they were needed, but it would be time yet before [i]The Repentent[/i] arrived. It was going to be delayed. Word had been received from the chapter master that the Deathwatch would be claiming their chosen from the Angels of Absolution from aboard this very ship. Previously unannounced, the blackship belonging to the Deathwatch had just arrived. Both [i]The Repentent[/i] and the blackship synchronized their flightpaths for boarding. Curious who it might be, Aldaric and the rest of the vetran and elite Angels gathered in their grand council hall aboard the strike cruiser for the brief and efficient ceremony. They all knew each other well. "Duty to the Deathwatch is duty equally important as any other, if not moreso. 'Tis a great honor, and nothing less, to join their ranks..." Aldaric listened in silence as orator tried his best to emphasize the nobility in joining the Deathwatch. But the fact was, they would be loosing someone this day, someone valuable, to an Ordo Militant created by the mortals of the Inquisition out of fear of some alien-originating and impending Armageddon. Whoever it was, that brother would never be seen again, never again be loyal to the causes of their chapter's glory, their primarch, or hunting the Fallen. As much as protecting humanity and defending the Imperium was the ultimate and mutual goal, to the Dark Angels and their subchapters, sacrificing one of their own's identity and fealty felt like a betrayal. "...3rd company master, Aldaric Felbane." Aldaric didn't move a muscle. Those next to him began to back away, clearing the path. They looked at him, saluted, brought up their fists... but there was no cheer. This was a death. Aldaric walked forward, obedient to the last. ---------------------------------------------------------- The pod containing the collected from the Angels of Absolution was righted and opened up. A moment passed, then the space marine inside violently reached up with a grasping hand, fingers curling around the throat of some dreamed beast directly in front of the opened capsule. Aldaric then relaxed, quickly getting it together as he fully came to consciousness. He stepped out of the capsule, naked, feeling the metal grating below him with his own feet. He saw the rest of the lineup beside him, a host of unrecognized faces, and he recalled events before his stasis sleep. His bionic eye gave him additional information on energy sources, heat, and distance to the very shadowed ceiling, then the Watch-Captain made his introduction, pointing out Sorrow. Two other space marines gave their names, before attention fell on Aldaric. He answered flatly, "I am brother Aldaric Felbane, former Master of the Angels of Absolution 3rd company." He paused briefly, reflecting on the confidence of Drascal and Victar, then he looked to Captain Roa and without explanation added, "I am ready." Standing naked on the grate without weapons or armor was undoubtedly a questionable state of readiness, yet this Aldaric was at attention. He seemed open to learning and ready to accept whatever training the Deathwatch might throw upon him.