Or maybe about obsession for formatting and grammar? [img]http://images.uncyc.org/commons/thumb/3/3f/Grammar_nazi.jpg/300px-Grammar_nazi.jpg[/img] :lol I didn't take it as a critic, but I got mildly offended by your assumption that I don't know how to construct a proper text. You don't need to teach me. But if you are that worried about formatting, metric and rigid rules to build a text, i'll abide by them. Just remember that there are innumerous ways on how to organize a text, and not only one. Wordsmithing is not math. There is not a specific formula that you need to follow in order to produce good results. There are many writing movements, both traditional an modern, that defend constructing texts without any metric or laws, instead thinking that it should come naturally but there are also some that think that every text needs a rigid and specific metric and organization. Personally I defend freedom in writing. Writing a story or a poem is different from writing an document. Any type of creative writing should be done without any kind of "rules" restricting it. For example: emulating a foreign accent in a text. Its more impacting if you write "Like zis for example" than doing something like "Oh, how are you today, fine gentlemen?" he asked with a strong germanic accent. Of course, both can work, but witch one is more impacting in a text? Which one helps the most to create an atmosphere? OBS: IMPORTANT!!! I'm not mad ppl! I might be slightly annoyed, but I'm not irritated or mad at all! Take it easy~