[h2]Vivi[/h2] Vivi wasn't quite sure how to react to the fairy's praise. He was pretty sure his attempt to say it was mangled beyond all comprehension, but to be called awesome? The only suitable reaction that came to mind was to try and hide. And so, Vivi lowered his head, hands lightly gripping the hem of his oversized, floppy hat as he apparently tried to sink into the earth. At least the ever-present darkness shrouding his face would hide the blush on his face. It took Vivi a moment to regain his composure and answer Yuki's question. He once more took a look around the vicinity, trying to confirm the direction he was facing, "I... think it's this way?" he pointed in what he hoped was a Northern direction, though his voice was devoid of any confidence, "maybe if we move, the cast-" At that moment, someone else approached, greeting them in a cheerful manner. Almost instinctively, Vivi took a small step towards Yuki, as if intending to hide from the glasses-wearing woman. He was surprised that someone else had approached them, and studied her appearance curiously. Indeed, clothes that seemed way too hot and furry for anywhere outside of an arctic region seemed to make little sense - not that Vivi wore anything lighter than a leather hat and poofy, robe-like clothes. At least this person had a much easier name to remember. He gave a small nod of his head and quietly answer, "...Vivi."