[quote=@13org] Or maybe about obsession for formatting? [img]http://images.uncyc.org/commons/thumb/3/3f/Grammar_nazi.jpg/300px-Grammar_nazi.jpg[/img] :lol I didn't take it as a critic, but I got mildly offended by your assumption that I don't know how to construct a proper text. You don't need to teach me. But if you are that worried about formatting, metric and rigid rules to build a text, [color=ed1c24]I[/color]'ll abide by them. Just remember that there are innumerous ways on how to organize a text, and not only one. Wordsmithing is not math. There is not a specific formula that you need to follow in order to produce good results. There are many writing movements, both traditional [color=ed1c24]and[/color] modern, that defend constructing texts without any metric or laws, instead thinking that it should come naturally[color=ed1c24];[/color] but there are also some that think that every text needs a rigid and specific metric and organization. Personally I defend freedom in writing. Writing a story or a poem is different from writing an document. Any type of creative writing should be done without any kind of "rules" restricting it. [color=ed1c24]< line break >[/color] For example: emulating a foreign accent in a text. [color=ed1c24]< line break >[/color] It[color=ed1c24]'[/color]s more impacting if you write "Like zis for example" than doing something like[color=ed1c24]:[/color] "Oh, how are you today, fine gentlemen?" [color=ed1c24]H[/color]e asked with a strong germanic accent. Of course, both can work, but witch one is more impacting in a text? Which one helps the most to create an atmosphere? OBS: IMPORTANT!!! [color=ed1c24]< line break >[/color] I'm not mad [color=ed1c24]people[/color]! I might be slightly annoyed, but I'm not irritated or mad at all! Take it easy[color=ed1c24].[/color] [/quote] [img]http://www.walkingdeadcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/bugs-bunny-this-means-war.jpg[/img] Language is mechanical [i]and[/i] a social science, and while style does persist it does have rules, guidelines, and ethos. Also, if you want to imply I am the [i]ubermensch[/i] of grammatical elitism… fixed your post there for you. :gray