Valerie could hear the soft sounds of the oceans and bickering of seabound birds as she slowly came to, her eyes blinking open, staring at the foliage above, a few rays of sun piercing through and into her eyes depending on where she moved her head “Too… Bright,” she muttered, as the light hurt her eyes, shifting to move from the sun only to find her body feeling as stale as week old bread, making her utter a pained groan. Guess going back to sleep was out of the question. She wasn’t quite sure this was where she had laid down to begin with, but gave it little mind. The island had treated her well enough so far, save for the one incident that left her near penniless. Plenty of berries and fruits around (only a few which had ended up poisoning her) to try, and it wasn’t too expensive to buy what she couldn’t find. She’d even managed to wash her clothes now and then in a waterfall. Long term hiking isn’t that hard! Eventually, she struggled herself up to sit, stretching in a drawn out yawn as she stared at the water visible from her point at the very edge of the beach, in the treeline “It’s pretty though,” she couldn’t help but smile at the sight before getting herself onto her feet and starting to fold down the blanket she used to sleep on, stuffing it into her bag. She then let her Goomy out of his ball, yawning a second time along with him before smiling “Good morning, Smoothie,” she hummed out softly as she tossed a few pieces of food for him, her own breakfast consisting on a mixed bag of nuts, dried fruit, a small handful of lavender flowers, and some juice, at least juice seemed to be cheap here. After a short brushing down of her hair, what little could be called a morning ritual was done for now, even though the hair would inevitably floof up in due time. Before she could do much more, her attention was grabbed by a whole lot of ruckus, the woman staring out towards the ocean for a bit before finally stepping onto the beach, Smoothie in tow. She looked incredibly out of place on a beach with her dark purple colours, not to mention the warm looking turtleneck hugging her torso and neck, getting quite close to the water to observe but not close enough to get her shoes wet, paying little attention to anything but the sounds and thrashings of the water, dragontype hiding behind her legs.