Craggard watched with amusement as the White Rock Confederates entered the victory after him and his fellow Onxyites. Even at such a petty victory, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Of course the confederates lagged behind; the lazy bastards were probably too busy picking their noses to move at a good pace. The scarlet knight seemed unusually happy as well, suddenly different from the stoic, formal woman who had greeted them earlier. A glimmer of metal caught his eye as a satchel was thrown to her- ah, no wonder she was happy. She was getting money. The nobleman ceased staring at the gate and knights to eye the confederates with a neutral expression. None caught his eye, save for a few. He stiffened as he eyed a young woman with wispy purple hair, her face cold and dark. There was no mistaking the outfit. Armed with daggers and weapons, he suspected she was some sort of warrior. He made a mental note to avoid her. A young man also caught his eye, one who seemed remarkably young to be a representative. He seemed alright- Craggard decided to to worry about him- he wasn't the stone faced killer filing her nails with a knife. He turned his attention to his fellow Onxyites. Craggard may have seemed like a buffoon, but he wasn't a complete idiot. It would be important to befriend Onxyites who were stronger, more experienced in warfare for protection. Or, he could just grab any old peasant for a meatshield. And speaking of which, a nobleman caught his eye. A petite servant girl stood behind him, making not a sound. His ever-present grin faltered slightly. He didn't even realize he could bring along a servant- if he knew that, he would have brought one! Even still, she looked awful... frail, for lack of a better word. Her plain appearance and outfit seemed to offer so little- so why bring her? " I wasn't aware servants could tag along on this endeavor. What business does that little missy have in a place like this?" He said suddenly to the nobleman, eyeing the girl with a curious eye. The corners of his mouth twitched, threatening to sneer at the man. Craggard quite enjoyed seeing someone else who stood out among the soldiers and noblemen, someone who was even more out of place than he seemed to be. [@Blight Bug]