Look. The standards, rules, and guidelines are all in this thread. When a player makes a comment that effectively states rules are detrimental and must be argued against it sets a precedent that I, as a GM, have to reply to. Any and all issues have to be addressed— and my GM style is one that prefers to do it in the public sector so everyone can see that I am being transparent, civil, and fair. I have replied, in my mind, fairly and constructively to every concern you’ve noted whether it be for elaboration or disputation. So, as far as my perspective goes I do have to be that “authoritative” and I am sorry if you think that results in what you feel is unnecessary. I am very patient and rational, so understand that. I’m not sure what you are trying to get at with you “forgetting” central rules and guidelines (especially after having this conversation over the course of what is my entire afternoon), but I’m not going to tolerate say someone forgetting god-modding isn’t a rule or contradicting an important foreground. What you need to consider is if my guidelines, rules, and expectations are to your liking— as a player you need to have that conversation with yourself about your level of enjoyment.