[center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/Lily%20Collins_zpsjj3tub6i.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1][color=00aeef][i][b]Harlow Grey (Harley)[/b][/i] [/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr][center] Interacting with [@Kyrisse][@December][@Poohead189][@Aeternum][/center][hr][hr] Day 6 about 12:30pm Harley held onto Gray as they rode the waves back. She wasn't sure what to do now. Her and Gray making out in a water tunnel had been totally spontaneous. She felt herself blush. When they got to the cliff face she set them down and then the water dissipated around them leaving the land nicely watered and the air heavy with humidity. She let go of him slowly. [color=00aeef]"I need to check the reservoir and Jae mentioned practicing his fire power. I think we need to do more research on your power. Will you please do something for me? Please don't try your power unless someone is around to monitor your body. The commander would be a good choice since he could heal you."[/color] Harley walked into the bunker with him and she had to turn left to go to the reservoir. The cafeteria smelled good and it was to the right. She felt her stomach growl. She hadn't eaten anything other than a peach in the orchard and she was hungry. [color=00aeef]"I need to check the reservoir, I'll catch you later?"[/color] After giving him a quick kiss on the lips she jogged to the maintenance room she needed to check on the water. Harley refilled the reservoir. Since they no longer needed to recycle all of the old water they were allowing it to drain out into the area at the bottom of the hill that the bunker sat on. It saved a lot of stress on the electrical system that way. Exhaustion suddenly overtook her, she walked into the cafeteria dizzy and felt like she might pass out. Harley curled up in a corner of the cafeteria and closed her eyes for a moment. Random people kept staring at her. She didn't care. She didn't even have the energy to be a smart ass to them. As she closed her eyes she could hear Robert, Jae, and was that Ben? Her powers had depleted her energy and within a few minutes she was asleep on the floor.[hr] [center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/0d93137e15aa53c79570875468cad3d5_zpswkehnzvv.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=00a651][h1][i][b]Commander Cody Varicke[/b][/i][/h1][/color][/center][hr][hr]Interacting with [@Kyrisse][hr][hr] Cody spied Audrey making him a plate and he watched her. Her quiet generosity made him smile. A thought that kept occurring to him over and over lately appeared again in his mind. [i]You don't deserve her. She is too good for you.[/i] [color=92278f]"I can...uh... take care of those dishes. You don't really have to worry about them."[/color] She gently took the plate he was washing from him and gestured towards the plate of food she had set down on the table nearby. [color=92278f]"I haven't seen you eat any breakfast yet so go eat and let me take care of this,"[/color] she said. Cody gave her a tired smile and dried his hands off. [color=00a651]"Alright, I'll eat. I would have been here earlier but the pipe problem had to take priority over what I would rather do."[/color] He began eating and observed her as she took up the dishes. The crowd in the cafeteria was loud and a little rambunctious so he got up and slid the kitchen door shut. He walked over to Audrey and started washing his now emptied plate. He gently scooted her out of the way by taking tiny steps that kept bumping into her til she was in front of the sink that he used to rinse the dishes. He grinned at her and put the washed dish in the other side. Cody searched her eyes and leaned down while pulling her to him and kissed her. This wasn't a quick peck on the lips. This was a kiss to melt a person into a puddle of goo. After a couple of moments he pulled back a little shaky and breathing hard. He kept her close to him and whispered to her,[color=00a651] "Why do you keep letting me kiss you? You haven't told me off once, why not?"[/color][hr][@King Tai][@Wick][@Aeternum][@RumikoOhara][@Kyrisse][@Spinosaurus][@December][@Venku][@alexfangtalon][@POOHEAD189][@FunnyGuy][@oliver]