[h2][color=fff79a][center]Sazama Nyko[/center][/color][/h2] [center][img]http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l630/kim23412/title5614322_zpsppmn3bsk.png[/img][/center] [center][@Duoya][/center] Sazama moved closer to the source of the heavy breathing. She reached a closet door where it was obvious someone was on the other side. The breathing was extremely heavy, not normal of that for any average human. The only person she could think of was the monstrous mutant in their class, Daichi. Sazama shuddered at the thought. Especially the environment they were in, cold and dark dimmed lights. A "monster" waiting in the closet, it was the exact things she hated and for that reason, she was afraid to even go near the door. She didn't want to hold her team back though, if a villain was in that closet, then a hostage would be in there too. [color=fff79a]"D-Daichi...I know it's you in there. Please come out and maybe we can negotiate hostages?"[/color] And by negotiation, it would of course mean a brawl over who can take the hostage. Sazama tried to open the door but it seemed as if Daichi had a good grip on it. [color=fff79a]"I don't want to do this but...[i]Celestial Takeover [100%][/i]" [/color] She put one glowing hand on the handle and the rest of her body held against the door. She hoped the heat would be strong enough to burn the handle to the other side making him release it or make the closet hot enough to make it unbearable. She knew she couldn't risk breaking in on the account of the hostage, so the only way would force them both out.