[@DeadlyPhoenix][@DriveEMOut][@Eviledd1984] Eliza took the phone from Savannah and ushered her remaining guards to escort her. [color=f6989d]"With your boyfriend like that I don't think we have much to be afraid of, but don't worry I'll give you a call."[/color] Eliza secretly hoped that Tom would die, but that might just make the Birds uncontrollable with grief and rage and take it out on the White House Group. She gripped the phone and ordered the guards to take the documents in her bag to the Capitol Building. She turns around and follows them to the car. [color=f6989d]"The Smithsonian Group won't help him without something in exchange. You'll need someone good at negotiating to help you and I...decided to do that. On account that you don't bother the WHG with your silly shenanigans." [/color] Eliza looked back to see the group of guards already disappear, she sighed sadden at her only chance to escape. But in the long run this was for the good of the WHG, she might even learn a little more about the Birds on the way.