Sult stood silent, her hands gently letting the corpses lie in the ground, methodically but without pause. Even though the stench was nauseating, she had steeled herself to the best of her ability. Her gaze rested on the exchange between several people, as she kept doing her gristly task. She sighed, as she heard Tiral's answer. "Worth a shot." She shrugged, as she eyed Gillian, and then Tyaethe exchange words about the shards of Angroron. "My, You know how to put that head of yours to use sometimes, sir Gillian." Sult jeered slightly as she looked at the exchange between the two knights. "I can begin to understand why sister dearest-" "Shut it." Nero's words were curt, her gaze meeting with her own mirror reflection. "This is no time for this." Nero added, as she began walking towards the corpses. "So politics wasn't the answer, but something outright forbidden. Which might or might not be a shard of a forgotten entity." The elder sister added, as she begun to help pile corpses, satisfied with the way Tyaethe had yanked an answer from the mercenary. "Sult, you still have contact with the Reonites?" She added. "Hm. I could try." The younger sister added, a hint of seriousness in her voice. "This could be too big for us unaided." "Indeed". Nero added. "These recent events have been nothing short of suspicious. Black Knights with swords are up to no good. And It wouldn't surprise me that this...henchman was hired by the same person who contacted Damon Cal. We can't discard those two events being related. It would've been quite the feint. Set up a conspiracy to trigger and keep the public eye occupied." Nero Sunfield added as she began to set apart the corpses. "We seem to think..." "...the same." "...And finish..." "...eachother's sentences." Both seemed to exchange in seemingly fluid switches, offering a small smile. And then two voices as one. "A bath after this would be welcome." Both Sunfields said in unison. [hr] Meanwhile, Umbra furrowed her brow. That little... human knight, she had been manhandled easily with her coy words. It took a while to coax a raven to come to her aid, and it was the exact time that Umbra realized that she had been had. Call for help without a concrete message. It had been a distraction. The wood elf stomped then again inside with brisk steps, intending to call the filthy human in her mind. But the echoes of conversation made her curb her anger. Shards of Argroron... even if it was true, that signified very bad news. "This little one." Umbra added, as she gave a scratch to the crow under the beak. "Could probably send a message to the crown really fast." The elf somberly added.