Our adventure begins in the Slateport City in the Hoenn region. The city is bustling with activity, more so than usual. A very rare occurrence was going to happen today: a meteor shower that's said to occur every fifty years or so. It was said that this meteor shower was not merely astral rocks flying through deep space, but a migration of pokemon beyond the stars, and should the people of Hoenn prepare for it, they may be visited by celestial pokemon. Whether or not these rumors were true wasn't really the point; it was a celebration and a holiday, and thus everyone was in a festive mood. The beachfront was absolutely populated by vendors and visitors hoping to see the meteor shower later that night. Even the ocean was populated with various boats and water craft in order to get a clear view of the sky tonight. All the while, four very important people had just arrived. One person in particular was Tatsuya Goroshi, a girl seeking fame and fortune on the path of pokemon. Having arrived to Stateport city from Dewford Town, she had the pleasure of trying to work her way towards the city itself, hoping to stop by a pokemon center to gain her barrings. Though she wasn't a local to the Hoenn region, she had heard word of this festival while in Dewford Town and hoped to stay and watch. Not only that, but her pokemon could certainly use the chance to relax. [color=a187be]"Alright little ones, come out and stretch your legs!"[/color] Tatsuya removed three pokeballs from her belt, letting her pokemon come out and prance about. The first was Kage, a poochyena wearing a red scarf. Tatsuya thought it looked cute on her. Then there was Mint, a ralt who immediately jumped onto Tatsuya for hugs. Snuggling her adorable little ralts Tatsuya nearly missed her aron, Tank, who seemed to use his time out of the ball to immediately curl up in the sand and take a nap. [color=a187be]"Tch! Come on tank, I didn't let you out just so you can take a nap here! We have a whole city to see!"[/color] Eventually Tatsuya was able to make Tank take a stroll with her and the others as they explored Slateport City. There was a lot of things going on, and Tatsuya was certain that she'd find trouble soon enough. [@TheWindel][@KoL][@TheWindel]