Alfrid's eyes widened slightly as the threats were made, and he raised one hand. “Stop.” The soldiers returned the barrels to their place while Alfrid glowered at Saeril from where he stood. "I do not know who you are...but you would do well to watch yourself. I am the eyes and ears of this town. The Master [i]will not[/i] be pleased." The gates were raised, and Bard was permitted entry. From underneath the fish, Kili sighed in relief, but he tried not to breathe too deeply. The fish smelled horrible. After what felt a lifetime, he felt the barrels begin to tip over. Thorin and the others were exiting from their hiding places, for Bard had gotten them to the dock. Kili climbed out, grimacing as he brushed a dead fish from his shoulder. At least they hadn't been spotted. Yet. "What are we supposed to do now?" The youngest was cold, wet, and tired, as were they all.