[center][b][center][h2][color=8882be]Aki Ogawa[/color][/h2][/center][/b][/center][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5b3c2540-3de1-4789-99d9-df1bb4609548.png[/img][/center][center][b]Interacting with [@pkken], [@Aladdin Sanity], [@Shmektheshmuck], and [@Kimmininja][/b][/center] Ken fought brutally. His black-hole attack made a sizable, explosive pop on the plain child's back, and, with a startling yell, he followed this offense by recklessly punching the bookworm. Aki was becoming exhausted, the shots Ken was dealing out were enormous bouts of damage and his body was already tensing up trying to keep the barrier afloat. Indeed, if it weren't for the barrier, Aki's back could very well be nonexistent. Assessing the situation, Aki came to the conclusion that he had to end this fight fast. Ken's magnitude of power was not healthy for the neon boy in the long run. Luckily, Aki had just the things to end the fight: A window and Ken's leg. Ken's legs were in a wide arch, a position that showed he was trying to get an edge through body techniques as well as his powers. This set-up, however, was not helpful for what was to happen. Aki, repositioning his leg behind that of the villian's, started to throw all his body weight into Ken and towards the window.[color=8882be][i]"Fine. I'll let you go. Please get ready."[/i][/color], Aki said, his leg tripping Ken as he was shoved, wrestling-style, out the window of the two-story building. The bookworm felt horrible for this kind of trickery, but knew it was not entirely against the rules. As said, the buildings of Beta were hilariously short, and thus, the fall Ken was taking could hopefully only give him a sprained ankle. The glass splintered away from Aki as he stood there almost as battered as the student below him. In fact, if it weren't for his barrier anchoring him down, he would've been down there as well. [color=8882be][i]"I'm really sorry, but it was just part of the battle. I'll pay for your medical fees"[/i][/color], he shouted at the prone Ken, unbelievably relieved that the fallen boy's body was still alive and moving. Picking up the heavy hostage and starting up the stairs to the building's roof, Aki estimated that he had just about enough energy to roof-jump to the safe point, even if he were to pass out when there. The boy tuned into his comm, his voice a little hoarse from the exhaustion caused by Ken's encounter,[color=8882be][i] "Hostage acquired, and Ken is prone on the ground of the building. He's probably hurt, sorry. I'm going back to the safe point to cash in our target"[/i][/color]