[@Eviledd1984][@DeadlyPhoenix][@DriveEMOut] Eliza jumped when a shotgun was pointed at her and immediately threw her hands in the air. [color=f6989d]"Calm the fuck down would you? I'm on your side." [/color]She gritted her teeth while settling down in the car seat. The more time she spent with these people the more she began to think being torn apart by the infected wouldn't be so bad. [color=f6989d]"The Smithsonian group is able to help out your leader here but they're more stingy than us when it comes to helping people. They don't expect to fix up Tom here for free you know. After all, there's no such thing as charities in this world anymore." [/color] Eliza grimaced at her past life when she help run charities in her community. She hated to leave that past behind, and her past self. But like everyone else, this world has changed her, no one survives by being soft.