[@Wraithblade6] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170103/e9faaa4188762dbbd3f75e45e1176ffb.png[/img][/center] Nicole bowed. "Your majesty I am Spartan Nicole-B312." It didn't give a name so she didn't. "I am here because....well I have no clue why I am here, where here is, or what year it is." She still kept moving towards one of the other Spartans. She wasn't sure what the hell that talking demon-Devil-thing was but she was sure about one thing it was ugly as hell and an arrogant son of a bitch, so she played to his arrogance. She wanted nothing more than to kill it. She switched to talking to only her fellow Spartans. "Could that demon-Devil-thing be a new Covie race? If so it must be extremely durable to only care a metal melee weapon." She switched back to talking to the demon-Devil-thing. "Your majesty if I may be so bold may I ask do you know where and possibly when we are?" The others didn't believe they were transported back in time, but she did. They were from several years after her death, but yet here they all were, so it must be time travel. She didn't disagree based on the situation she was in when she was so rudely taken, she wasn't complaining though. John told her to keep playing along with his King bit and that they were coming in. "Also if I may continue my boldness I would like to introduce my friends." She pointed to the one in green. "Spartan John-117" John bowed. She pointed to the one in silver. "Spartan Jameson Locke." Jameson relunctantly bowed. Jameson was not happy in the least. All three Spartans gathered by the tree line, ready to bolt at a moment's notice. Nicole tied the satchel with the stolen food to her belt to free up her hand just in case it became a gun fight.