Juliet was far too busy to notice the initial appearance of those uncouth, inorganized, batch of lubberworts known by the moniker of the White Rock Confederacy. Nor did she pay particular mind to the knights gamble upon which group would get there first. Juliet ignored that for a plethora of valid reasons. One of which was that the answer was far too obvious. The second was that it was of no concern to her. And lastly, it would detract from the task she was assigned to complete. In a genuflected position, her head was down as she was wiping more dirt and mud from the nobleman's boots. In particular, Juliet was taking great care into making sure that the spurs would have that prestigious sheen. The nobleman in question was peering down at her with a stern, but not overly so, gaze. He was dressed in fairly boisterous finery, with purple stockings, gem encrusted belt which had had a bronze hilt that held a sabre with a silver guard on its left side, and he wore a pink, silken tunic with rather puffy shoulders. Underneath his right arm was a leather bound tome with had a variety of red symbols on its front and back covers. Currently the book had its latch hooked over a distinctive white button. The nobleman was tapping his index finger against the spine of the book. After Juliet finished shining the spurs, the nobleman glanced down at her and raised his left hand and made a quick shooing gestured. Issorat, knowing her patron well from service, was quite aware that this meant that she had fulfilled her task and that he wanted her dismissed. Juliet rose up and gave a curtsy towards the noble while keeping her eyes down. She took some steps towards the right and stood near enough to the noble so that she could be prepared for when she gave her another task to complete, but far enough as to not disturb him with this dealing with another fellow of some manner of esteem During this period Juliet allowed herself to take notice of the 'confederacy' who thought they would be negotiating with a kingdom. For the most part they all seemed like something her lord would describe them as, a pack of lowbred barbarians trying in some vain attempt to appear civilized. But among them there were two who were at the least a different breed of barbarian. One of which was a female with [i]blue[/i] hair. Juliet raised her left hand to cover an unsightly gasp, as she dropped open her mouth. "What sort of cursed being could that be?" Juliet muttered to herself as her eyes wandered past the other barbarians. As she was scanning that scene, she noticed that one of them was staring at [i]her[/i]. He certainly did not look like a civilized fellow, what with the scars and tribal markings. She kept her hand in front of her mouth, while narrowing her brow for a brief moment, as she took a few steps back and focused her attention back onto the nobleman she served as a retainer. The nobleman merely smirked at Craggard as he tapped the spine of the book. "Her business is my business. I'm sure you can wager a guess as to why I am here. Therefore you must be able to guess why she is here." He continued tapping the book as he glanced towards the Gargoyles. He shuttered a bit, "Tad moody for my tastes." grumbled the Nobleman as he gave a passing glance towards Craggard. "Remember this, an empire is not built in a day. Nor can it exist without a proper lower foundation." He shot a glance towards Juliet. "Issorat." Juliet looked down and towards her employer, "Yes my Lord?" The nobleman held out the book towards her. "Check the logs would you? I'm going to discuss with my fellows." Juliet gave an extended and deep nod before quickly going over to secure the tome. Once she obtained the book, the nobleman clapped his hands together before heading over to discuss with the other Onyxians. As for Juliet, she opened unlatched the tome and began to track the page which she knew had the current logs.