Due to the nature of the mission Shiomi would not be needing the services of her Glasgow, she would no doubt hitch a ride with someone to get close and then she would be left to her own devices as she assisted the infiltration, hijacked a knightmare for their forces, and of course, assassinated the Britannian pig. Shinomi stood up without a sound and listened intently to what the information offers had to say. The first matter of business, after the briefing, was to double-check all her equipment for the operation, weapons, poisons, hacking tools, and even a diving suit depending on where she would need to go. The large European Union man gave courtesy to Lady Sumeragi with an oath and then he left to prepare. Perhaps these Europeans would be the people needed to make her wish a reality. She gave a small nod as he left and after the lecture proceeded to her own quarters. Shiomi made her way toward her quarters to gather all the materials she needed. It was a very small room but it did have one little luxury to it, tatami mats, giving it a classic Japanese feeling. Because the room was so small she had to roll out a futon each time she wanted to sleep since a permanent bed would take up most of the room. None of this mattered of course as she was here only to gather her things. Taking a waterproof backpack she laid out each item on the floor and inspected it before either putting it on her person or in the bag for the mission. What ended up taking the most room was the wet suit, which would either be used on location or ditched to lighten the load. Of course almost everything was black or dark in color to make it less noticeable. With everything in its proper place it was time to meet up with the squad before they headed off to battle.