The paladin took note of the looks the captain was getting from the mercenary leader and... ignored them entirely. It was none of [i]her[/i] business what happened in personal relations, so long as it didn't get in the way of the order's stated purpose or let [i]politics[/i] get into their operation. A mercenary that operated in multiple nations with no backing? That was far better than many alternatives. Her response to even seeing a random carriage under threat was entirely predictable: charge her horse at the carriage and then, realising that the horse was entirely inadequate for this sort of attack, sliding off of it and catching herself only to resume a full run, at about the same point Fanilly gave her order. The most important difference was that when everyone got there, Tyaethe would be at knee height. A dozen horses and broken limbs would be fine until they worked out what to do with them.