[center][color=9e0b0f][h2]Ben the Fighter[/h2][/color][/center] Ben gave Aud a friendly smile and a chuckle. "[color=9e0b0f]It's alright, we're all kind of going with what we can get.[/color]" He'd always been extra polite to her, then again he tried to be that way with most everyone. It was how he'd been raised after all, unless of course he'd with his friends because he'd relentlessly mess with them until something went hilariously wrong. But Auddrianna seemed sweet enough. Ben began to eat his food greedily before Jae sat down with him. He'd just been sitting here quietly with Robert for a bit, enjoying his food. "[color=9e0b0f]It's cool.[/color]" Ben said to Jae's greeting, and gave a nod. "[color=9e0b0f]I can punch and kick really well.[/color]" He grinned, showing it was a half joke. "[color=9e0b0f]Honestly, I feel like one good thing happened after the world went to shit. I can...feel my inner strength.[/color]" Ben tried to explain, gulping down the last bit of Aud's tasty food and setting everything down. He rolled up his sleeves, and flexed. Ben usually worked out about an hour a night and was pretty fit to begin with, but he closed his eyes and focused his energy, causing his muscles to swell even more. When he opened his eyes, his gaze was focused an penetrating. He pushed off the table and backflipped, landing on his hands and holding his body weight up easily. He could do that without his powers, but he focused his energy on a single point and held his body up with three fingers for a few moments, and fell back to his feet. He gave a bow, which was interrupted by Harley stumbling in and falling asleep in the corner. Ben blinked and pointed at her. "[color=9e0b0f]She ok?[/color]"[@Aeternum][@Wick][@Kyrisse]