[center][h3] Spare the Rod[/h3][/center] There was a loud commotion coming from the front. It wasn't terribly uncommon for hunters to try and get the party going again after the hunt. In her younger years, those times were welcomed, but in her later years, well, she had gotten real tired of their shit. Tonight was one of those nights. The voice, male, seemed to be dragging along some kind of growling creature. Then, suddenly, there was a second voice, female and bossy. Taking out anger on the poor door. Sighing, she shoved open the door to see three hunters. One dragging around that was no doubt a living gnome, the second too tall to be allowed and the third, some bossy little girl. [color=B8860B]"What the hell," [/color] growled Abby, loud enough to make sure she was heard over the rest of them. [color=B8860B]"You!" [/color] she said, rounding on the boy hunter. [color=B8860B]"I don't know who you are or where you come from, but this is a proper establishment. People eat here and I will not be having you chopping or experimenting on anything in here. If you should feel such a need to play with your gnome, clean up your mess and take it to your damn room," [/color] [color=B8860B]"And you," [/color]she growled, turning on the girl sitting at her tavern. [color=B8860B]"Maybe that behavior is acceptable is other taverns, but if you expect service, you DO NOT kick in someones door and coming in yelling like you are some big shot, demanding to be fed, "[/color] She then dropped her voice down to a low murmur[color=B8860B] " You aren't, trust me I've seen them and you aren't even a small fish in a small pond in comparison. So, if you would like to receive service march right back out that door, you may come in when you are ready to act like a respectable patron and not a second before, do I make myself [i]very[/i] clear?" [/color] [color=B8860B]"Now, as for you,"[/color] she said, rounding on the giant. [color=B8860B]"Room 12 is open, just up the stairs and to the left. Marcus will see to your drink if his lazy ass ever bothers to get in here to help [/color] [@Dark Light][@Fetzen][@Noxx][@WeepingLiberty]