[@Wraithblade6] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170103/e9faaa4188762dbbd3f75e45e1176ffb.png[/img][/center] "We thank you your majesty, it is most gracious of you to protect us lowly humans." Nicole threw up a little in her mouth. The only place it could go was into her helmet or back down. She really did not want to have to clean vomit out of her helmet, so she relunctantly swallowed it. "We will follow at your leisure." None of them were pleased with the course of the conversation. They could use this abandoned house as a base it would provide shelter, it just needed cleaning the dust alone could clog up their air intake filters. It also gave them a place to fall back to outside of the main part of they city. Clearly this demon-Devil-thing had plans for the location, otherwise why would it insist on them leaving. John made sure Nicole knew he approved how she handle things with the demon-Devil-thing. Jameson was just glad that he didn't have to find what that thing was calpable of while they were unprepared. He made it his responsibility to upgrade their arsenal.