[h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] "Ah, you're hungry?" Youmu turned towards the rubberman with a frown. That would certainly hinder their search efforts if it came to that. Though... she was also quite certain no-one in existence was quite the food vacuum that Yuyuko-sama was. However, Youmu had a solution in this matter. Reaching into her skirt pocket, she pulled out her bag. Indeed, while she didn't have all her yen on her, she had some money to spare. It would surely be enough to purchase some kind of meal and get on their way quickly... and then Ryu offered the both of them food as well. Raising her hand, Youmu shook her head. "I ate not long before I cam here," Youmu replied, "And if it comes to it, I can purchase ingredients and prepare them myself. I don't intend to stay here any longer then absolutely necessary, so a room and food won't be necessary." Indeed, that was the chief matter in the half-phantom's mind above everything else. She had no intention of remaining here particularly long. Instead, she would leave the first chance she got in order to return to Yuyuko-sama's side. [@Masterkeun] [@MacDuffy] [hr] [h2]Tachibana Hibiki[/h2] This... wasn't the base or... or anywhere she recognized. There were sick people here. Hurt people here. But she didn't understand how she'd got here. One moment she had been walking through the door to the outside hall, the next she was... she was here. And there were a lot of people in trouble... Hibiki clenched her fist. She had to help somehow! But... how? There had do be something she could do... Even if she didn't understand how she got here, there had to be something she could do to help everyone here! ... and while she was in the process of trying to figure out just how she could help, the light-haired brunette Japanese girl found herself directly in the path of a group of people who seemed quite out of place. Soldiers, it seemed. In dark armor, with some kind of strange green mist accompanying them. They looked... threatening, dark, but... Hibiki wasn't going to judge them just by that! She tried to understand everyone after all, so just because these people looked back didn't mean they [i]were[/i], not necessarily... though there were all these people in trouble around here, shouldn't they be trying to help them somehow? If they were military, and things were that bad down here... that's usually why military was sent to places like this, right? Disaster relief and that kind of thing! And that smoke looked pretty bad... Hibiki had to speak up about that. "Hey! Hey! That green smoke, is something leaking? You should check to make sure nothing's leaking!" she called to them, approaching and waving her hand in the air, stopping about a meter away. "It might make you sick, and there's sick people down here so it can't be good for them! [@CorpusMundus] [@Raineh Daze]