[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VUknxbkm.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2][color=lightgreen]The Lothelonni[/color][/h2][/center][hr] [i]For months the cadre of ships plied the salted seas in search of dry land, and a respite from their journey. Cast anon from distant lands, the Lothelonni [b]Elves[/b] struck out into the vast endless oceans in search of a new homeland. Their kingdom, which had stood for 5,000 years was in recent centuries the victim of a vicious and shadowy insurrection, the product of religious zealots and fanatics and fueled by the fires of foreign powers. The kingdom fell to secular violence, and in the shadows cast by the burning cities of that distant land, Lord Elaris of Brightflower emptied his coffers to fund an exodus and fled with his court and company. After several seasons at sea, the small fleet assembled began to deteriorate. Lord Elaris scuttled all but the flagship, Cantivale. Desperate, and decimated by plague, mutiny or madness, the Lord of Brightflower ordered his ship to make landfall at the first sighting of a decent harbor. Within a week, an uncharted landmass appeared on the horizon, (blessed and merciful are the gods above), and Lord Elaris ordered the Cantivale to drop anchor and all crew and passengers to make for the shore. Within days of mooring, the Cantivale sank beneath the waves and Elaris ordered his men inland. After a days march, and making for a large mountain in the distance, the men chanced upon a forested plain, a small lake and a river.[/i] [hider=Cantivale] [center][i]Founding the first settlement of the Lothelonni Elvish Expedition, and naming it for the sunken flagship of Lord Elaris, Cantivale. The Lothelonni pride themselves on the use of [color=lightgreen][b]Lightgreen[/b][/color] for marking the boundaries of their territory.[/i][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/D8uOPCA.jpg[/img][/center][/hider]