[quote=Ailyn Evensen] [@Snagglepuss89] and [@aewin], I've never seen a collab post before but that was really well done! Everything flowed nicely and it was really entertaining. :) [/quote] Yeah, pretty much. Hopefully my 'GM post' was enjoyable and introduced something good for them to work with next. A few other people who haven't posted here are working on character sheets in the background, but what I said in the last update still applies and we're still recruiting. It'll be a while, but we should be able to make things work -- just takes a lot more effort and quality to make a non-fandom role-play garner interest than it does with something based off existing material.[center][h1]~[/h1][/center] [@Aewin][@Pudding][@Melo][@Ailyn Evensen][@Snagglepuss89][@tsukune][@Shadow007] Status update (while I'm still looking for input from you guys concerning the last one too): [list][*][b]Paulette Holly Ashworth[/b]'s CS has been added to the 'NPCs' section of the character tab, and she was added to 'The Cast'.[/list] [list][*][b]The Methuselah of Paris[/b] now has an entry in 'The Glossary'.[/list]