[i]Rising. Falling. Rising. Falling. [/i] A small arm instinctively moved beneath the fawn colored cloak finding its way over the elf’s stomach until the queasiness subsided. Crossing the Moonsea on her venture from Myth Drannor seemed to be the obvious course at the time, though plagued with being tossed about on the high seas, Alfirineth undoubtedly had rather taken the scenic route. If the wood elf hadn’t already been running late she’d have all but started kissing the ground at landfall. Shaking her head in hopes of warding off unpleasant feelings, dark emerald hair shifted with little effort underneath the cloak’s hood as blue-green peered into the distance, their mark on the keep ahead. Leather boots lighted themselves swiftly against the crunch of the dirt path, often making small leaps as the level of the ground continued shifting. With the distance closing in each stride, it was only minutes until town gates towered before her; Sheildsworn on their guard. Hullburg at last. “Hold. What business have you?” When first presented with the request for aid, Alfirineth was uncertain if rising up to the occasion was the wisest decision. She’d heard rumors of using adventurers for means of territorial expansion or power manipulation, both falling contrary to her upbringing. Nonetheless, she’d also heard rumors of disturbances of the undead. If such was the case it was her duty under Mielikki to intervene. Sheildsworn before her, she smiled downwards while reaching rather sheepishly into the small pouch strapped to her thigh, fingers delicately wrapping around the summons. The paper crinkled against her hand, slightly reluctant in being pulled from the space, but at last finding its way to the guard’s outstretched hand. Face of stone, the man’s blank eyes skimmed the paper breaking away only to look at Rin herself. After a moment he handed the paper back, “Running a bit late aren’t we?” Rin’s ivory skin quickly flushed red as an apology started only to be cut off by the man’s lighthearted chuckle as he gestured to a younger guard across the way. “Follow him Miss. The Harmarch has already begun.” [hr] The sound of armor clanking against itself led the young woman through the courtyard and eventually through the innards of the building. The area itself modest in its decorum. To some this would appear disheartening, but to Alfirineth it immediately instilled a sense of respect and comfort. Lush, bold furnishings were nothing but a façade to distract the viewer from underlying issues. The lack of such meaningless airs was refreshing. As silence replaced movement, the young woman was pulled back into the situation at hand as the guard left her before the room. Slipping in through the door she made eye contact with the Harmarch before removing her hood and bowing her head in apology. She went to stand in the corner and was briefed by the remaining guard on the offer while listening to the tail end of the conversation, or perhaps hostilities, between the two women. At the end Rin wasn't sure what to make of it all. No doubt at surface value the Sun Elf seemed to be excessively greedy. Rin was not the type to understand this sentiment, finding many things to be more valuable than money. Still, she didn't wish to judge the "gypsy" too soon. Looking on the brightside,she decided to be patient. With the paladin on the opposite side of the spectrum Alfirineth felt an uneasiness overcome her as to the solidity of the group. Aside from necromancy and the possibility of enraged spirits, too much was still unknown. If they'd be unable to rely on one another...death would be likely. Eyes scanning each individual in her stomach tightened. It didn’t take much of an inference to determine Grigor Hulmaster was calculated in his decisions. Multiple members of various churches? Rin knew one thing for certain: It wasn’t a matter of if a member of their group was going to raid a tomb as much as when. They’d need the help of the gods.