Evina nodded as she listened to the girl explain who the invisible being next to her was. [color=ed1c24]“I’m sorry about the lady… I guess I need to get rid of her body and her blood now before I get in trouble.”[/color] Evina turned her attention towards the corpse, the blood still pooling around her. Twisting her lips slightly she looked back to the girl who then stood up and walked over to the body and proceeded to lift it up and tossing it out the nearest window, the body fell with a loud thud as it hit the ground. [i][color=f6989d]“Mm, I have an idea. Give me a second.”[/color][/i] She walked away for a moment and returned with another nurse. Evina then pointed to the large pool of blood and turned to look at the nurse. [color=f6989d][i]“Clean that up; now and never speak of this to anyone. Erase it from your memory, if you dare speak of it again… I’ll have my friends slit your throat slowly and watch as you choke on your own blood. Is that understood?”[/i][/color] Evina’s head tilted as she stared into the woman’s face. The woman stared blankly back at her and nodded. [color=f6989d][i]“Good. Get to work now.”[/i][/color] The nurse left to grab a bucket and mop and began cleaning up the mess until the floor looked as if it had been undisturbed.