[b]Border of district 1 and 2[/b] [i][u]RYU[/u][/i] Ryu could see the man bleeding out below him. Ryu left his food behind for Straw hat before shadow stepping away vanishing from view. Ryu reappeared leaning over the man and his prey. Ryu gently laid his hands on the wounds using his powers to heal the long gashes in the man studying the wounds. There were some that seemed almost human. The man would need some rest and cover in case his enemies were near. Ryu didn't want to move him or create any confusion. It would be better to guard him and wait by his side. The civilians around seemed extremely frightened of the carnage. In order to calm them Ryu stood up saying loudly and warmly "Dear citizens have no fear this was simply an advertisement for my healing magics. Bring your sick, infirm, and dying forward. I shall heal them as I healed this man with all of my strength. I will charge no money, but wish you fair tidings and safe travels." [@VitaVitaAR][@supertinyking][@MacDuffy]