[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jrghOPL.png[/img] [i]Old Testament (Edited from the preceding RP)[/i][/center] The bus jostled forward after it picked up the remainder of passengers and parted from the stop rejoin the flows of traffic. Among the headcount were generic, borderline identical white collar businessmen and women, newspapers and phones practically glued to their hands displaying how poorly the one yen coin and peso were currently performing. There were also your average folk, average trade workers, average children... in general, the layout was quite, evidently, average. Save for one denizen on this voyage for however many stops he needed to traverse. This boy was anything but nondescript. It wasn't that he looked out of the ordinary. In fact, he was a member of the Japanese teenage populace whose hair somehow [i]naturally[/i] deviated from the common genetic palette, the spectrum expressed by many manga and anime characters. At least he didn't have blonde twintails. Yet this was real life, so genes were obviously to blame here. That being said, whilst the boy was confounded by ties to reality, that didn't mean he was unable to enclose himself in his own little bubble. In laymen's terms, he was in a muse. His thoughts surged rapidly in perfect tandem with the numerous sources of electricity that surrounded him, as if they embodied a grid granted just for his access, powered by Ai Ninomiya's soothing yet vibrant voice. And of course the prospect of whether he brought too little or too much manga. [i]Of course.[/i] [color=#007BA7]"Huwawawa, crap, crap, did I bring enough?![/color] He wracked through his memory, checking and double-checking the mental list he had organized the day he sent off his belongings. But then another predicament surfaced. What if he took up too much room? [color=#007BA7]"Wait, I'm living with other people, right? What if I take up too much room?! Crap, there's also the mobile system. And all of my DVDs! Also my contraptions and workbench! And my [i]dakimkur-[/i][/color] Well, they weren't exactly mere thoughts anymore. Ender anxiously machine-gunned words under his breath with his face deep in his palms. Passive gazes couldn't help but to be drawn to the peculiar spectacle. While he continued to ponder how utterly screwed he was, the boy failed to keep track of how many stops the bus had made during his partially-contained panic attack. [b]Next stop is...[/b] [color=#007BA7][b]"Tertiary character say what...[/b][/color] Ender proceeded to let out muffled cry once it dawned on him exactly how screwed he was indeed. [color=#007BA7]"OH MY REM IS BEST GIRL NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"[/color] [hr] There was a measurement of truth consummately woven into Ninomiya's melancholy lyrics. He was in earnest "On His Own." Ender rested on this notion while dedicated a few sparse moments to catching his breath before the gates of a particular academic institution. From Aomori to Musutafu. Not as long of a journey as surely a number of his classmates surely made, but his attempts to facilitate the flow of oxygen weren't made out of exasperation from his travels. The city was... [i]loud[/i], its volume still remained nearly just as intense even on its outskirts. [color=#007BA7][i]"You anticipated this, come on. Just keep breathing. Breathe."[/i][/color] It would take some acclimating, that was for damn sure. To gauge the sensation as just nauseating was understating it. He could at least be thankful for the saving grace that the school wasn't oriented in the nucleus of the city. The glass was always half-full of mountain dew as far as Ender was concerned. The boy gulped down the last of his unrest, smoothed out his posture, and drew over the scrunched up expression with a youthful smile. It wasn't the time to be stagnate! No! A school life full of wonders and new expanses was before him! Every great story always starts with that first step, the first quest, the first NPC, the first happenstance encounter! [color=#007BA7]"Link Ring Link!"[/color] The boy chanted with an immeasurable amount of jubilation as he launched into the air And then Ender face-planted into the cold, unloving pavement before the school gates. [color=#007BA7]"[i]Urgh[/i]...death...flag..."[/color] [hr] [center][i]New Testament (Intro filler y0)[/i] [i]At some time during the week:[/i][/center] Ender produced his phone in a deft, laudably autonomous movement when the [url=https://youtu.be/yUVRE1qWaa8]ringtone[/url] permeated the music already playing through his headphones. With another flick just a quick as the prior motion the cellular device's bluetooth was turned on and transmitted whoever was on the other side of the call. Except it was already obvious to the eccentric student who had rang him, since that ringtone only belonged to one individual. [color=#007BA7]"Oh, hey dad! How goes it? Haven't pissed off any of the government workers as of late, riiiiight?"[/color] The boy facetiously chirped while reclining on his bed, placing his head on a pillow sporting a Nagisa Furukawa case. He patiently listened to the series of vivid accounts that transpired during his time away. The man wasn't one to show it, but he was most likely aching and had upped his workload to keep his mind preoccupied. To him, Ender was a son, an apprentice, and the only family he had. The feeling was mutual. [color=#007BA7]"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm acclimating just fine."[/color] He attempted to put his father's worries at ease and threw his arms behind his head, [color=#007BA7]"Just wish it was a little quieter, that's all. But you win some and you lose some, yeah? Anyways, classes have been going... well, they've been going. Wha, oh, a charge to my card...?"[/color] Ender cast a glance at the bag of freshly acquired manga located at the foot of his bed. The loot was from a nearby store he had researched well in advance to the semester. [color=#007BA7]"...School supplies."[/color] He squeaked, not fooling anybody, let alone the man who raised him. [color=#007BA7]"N-Nanodesu. Eheheh... Alright, alright, I know. Focus on school. Speaking of which, there's gonna be an exercise at the end of the week. Yeah, already! I was surprised too! You may want to make some funeral preparations."[/color] Instantly the images of characters such as Ken and Daichi came to mind. [b]Real[/b] protagonist material. Though the former may be striding the line of the dark swordsman with long locks trope. A shiver ran down his spine at the prospect of facing off against those individuals, along with many other members of class 1-A. [color=#007BA7]"Well, I gotta log off for now. Really have to catch up on Fate/kal- I MEAN STUDIES. YES. STUDIES. ERM. BURNING LOOOOOOOVE!!!"[/color] [i]Beep.[/i]