Timeskip ==== Britannian Base Infiltration Team - Landing Area The recon team had done an excellent job with all of their work and the team had managed to slip by Britannian patrols without much effort. They had arrived on a beach head and got into a Britannian Jeep with just enough room for all of their members including one extra member whom had been reassigned at the last moment in order to fulfill a possible need for hacking into any computers they may find in the base to find more manifestos about Britannian shipments. Inside of it was a create full of Britannian Military uniforms, and one lab coat uniform for Robert, complete with helmets and weapons. Two pistols, a sub machine gun, and a assault rifle. Garcia took care of handing out the weapons with the assault rifle going to himself as the role of Britannian Squad Captain as attached to his uniform, and gave the pistols out to Shiomi, and the Russian. The sub machine gun was given to Robert as a precautionary measure. The hacker had already gotten his weapon before leaving. After the group put on their uniforms Garcia took the driver's seat and had the hacker man the gun on the back of the jeep allowing the girls, and Robert to get in the passenger seats. [color=fff200]"All hail the Emperor, and all that fine jazz right? Heh I feel like a regular career soldier. I could get use to being well fed, and well supplied."[/color] Garcia said oozing with sarcasm as he drove the jeep down a dirty road towards the nearby Britannian Base that was appearing in the distance. It looked like any standard base as expected and nothing out of the ordinary had shown up. [color=fff200]"Remember no Japanese."[/color] Garcia quickly reminded everyone, but his comment with directed as Shiomi directly. [b]"It won't be too much effort to get in. However as a suggestion to you Mister Robert. Keep your head down or put something on your head. We don't need people seeing our faces."[/b] the Hacker grumbled. ==== The Assault Team: Jack sat in his Gloucester tapping his hands on the control stick all systems booted up and all scans had provided green lights for all systems. His only directive to his members had been to be patient and ready for whatever comes next. [color=39b54a]"We're sitting ducks out here in the ocean but remember people if everything goes right we'll be directly facing trained Britannian suits. Kill them and leave the pity for the bleeding hearts. They're murdering the Russians, and they're crushing the remaining Japanese under their heels. Oppressors like them will not give you any mercy so why show any in return."[/color] Jack flatly stated as he took a mental note of how it must suck to be in the Britannian Marine Corps. The vessels they were in were being directed, and driven by Aoi's team but were still tightly compact, and left little room for maneuverability. It was single file out of the craft, and onto the landing zone. The knightmare frames were lined up against the walls of the spacious carriers bought off the black market from the Chinese Federation's peninsula. It showed as the things creaked, and were not very well washed from the looks of the inside. Must've been old models sold off to make a profit from corrupt Britannian Military Officers who didn't care where their equipment went to. [b]"Dead Britannians the only good Britannian boss. I ain't no murderer but I make exceptions for them."[/b] said one of Jack's old squad mates a german from the Russian Front. Good man and had a lot of experience. Prime soldier and he'd die before he surrendered.