Thorin and Dwalin inspected their weapons, then looked at one another with matching looks of disgust. These would not do. At all. They would have to obtain better weaponry before setting forth. Since he'd paid his way in coin, Gloin was riled, and he tossed a pike back to the table. “We paid you for weapons. Iron-forged swords and axes!” "It's a joke!" Bofur agreed with him, and they all voiced their displeasure. Balin rubbed a hand over his face wearily. “Thorin...why not take what’s been offered and go? I’ve made do with less; so have you. I say we leave now.” Kili used the poor excuse of a weapon to lean on. Keeping on his feet proved to be a mistake, for he was hurting worse than before. Slowly. he used the weapon to lower himself to a nearby seat. Wincing, he examined the bandage on his leg, though made sure that no one was looking. He only needed to hold on a few more days...they were so very close, he could not give up now.