[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Vt49zey.png[/IMG][/center] [center][h1]Ken Hashimoto[/h1][/center] After hitting Aki with the 2 blows he could feel his grip loosening yet the little bastard was still holding on tight. This plain boy had spunk and the fiery eyed boy respected that. As Ken tried to get the leverage it turned out bad completely unaware of the environment, Ken eyes grew wide as he flew through the glass window, he braced for impact. A large cut all on his body and on his cheek from the glass cutting into him. Ken landed on the ground breaking the fall with his right foot, spraining it. Ken laid for a couple seconds. There was not much he could do in that situation, only thing left is to get back into the fight. Ken picked himself up slowly, he was beaten up yeah but this pain compares to his life was nothing but a paper cut. Ken winded up his last black hole, after this one he would have to rely on one leg and arm. Ken bit his lip as he winded up the the orb to 100%, Ken was preparing to sling shot himself onto the roof using the full suction power of his black hole. A dangerous method but if he time it correctly he could get to the roof quickly. The swirling orb was growing bigger, first the size of ping pong ball, then to a tennis ball, and finally the size of a bowling ball. [color=92278f]"100%.."[/color] he said as do or die time came. Ken threw the ball at at an angle towards the roof of the building. Once it was 20 feet away Ken activated the black hole, choosing him as the target. He could feel the pressure on his sprained ankle leaving as he elevated towards the sky, slowly picking up speed as he flew. Soon he passed the first floor. as he looked at the second floor he saw the body and Aki was gone and so was the hostage. Ken smirked as he passed by and went straight to the roof. Ken released the black hole orb once he got close, propelling himself in the air. Getting a clear view of Aki at the top with the body. [color=92278f]"That was slick what you did!"[/color] Ken shouted as he roughly landed on the building, rolling to break the fall. He got up slowly but surely, [color=92278f]"Now is the real deal, beat me here and you can go take the hostage back, Mano A Mano"[/color] Ken said getting into a fighting stance, though Ken was near his limit having suffered heavy damage , Aki wasn't far off from kicking the bucket either. A decisive blow would end this battle surely for each team. This was gonna come down straight to grit, using 2 black holes consecutively has a high energy toll on Ken giving Aki the advantage if he can land a good hit. Ken had counter measures as well, incase he wanted to attemp to run Ken was ready to use his last card, Gravity well. Ken moved in closer keeping a watchful eye on his class mate. [@Gutshot]