[h2][color=fff79a][center]Sazama Nyko[/center][/color][/h2] [center][img]http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l630/kim23412/title5614322_zpsppmn3bsk.png[/img][/center] [center][@Duoya][/center] Luckily it didn't take long for Daichi to emerge from the closet. Sazama swiftly dodged the door as it flew towards her and looked to see the mutant guarding the entryway with his entire body. Sazama knew she wouldn't be able to budge him even with her enhanced strength and speed without the risk of hurting the hostage. [color=fff79a]"I've got Daichi here and a hostage 3rd-floor hospital building. He's trapped the hostage in the closet and I'm currently not able to get to him." [/color] Sazama spoke into her communicator not taking her eyes off of Daichi. It looked like he wasn't moving an inch, but neither was Sazama. But she couldn't just stand there waiting for backup, especially with her quirk on a time limit [i][color=fff79a][95%] - 19 min left[/color][/i]. She shut her eyes and began to take deep breaths. With each breath, the tattoos flickered like a furnace. Glowing a bit brighter with each exhale. She opened her eyes, which turned into an intense gold. [color=fff79a]"Sorry Daichi..." [/color] Sazama said softly. She began to strip off her gym clothes leaving her with her in just a sports bra and shorts, trying to expose as much of the tattoos as she can. The tattoos that were underneath her clothing came alive, glowing as bright as her arms and legs did. She then lunged at Daichi and wrapped herself around Daichi's torso. Her arms would go all the way around so she was forced to hang off by his shoulders. With this, the longer she stayed on the worse the burn will get. It might take a minute or two until it will really hurt him but Sazama hopes that he'll give up before then. The nurse might treat burns but Sazama didn't want to hurt any of her classmates. She used her strength to get a good grip on him, making it harder for him to just fling her off. [i][color=fff79a][90%]-18 min left[/color][/i]