Orchid narrowed his eyes at the sound of even more enemies approaching. Unfortunately, carving up a dragon wasn't exactly a high strength ordeal, and while he was laying out his new skin his body had started to feel the fatigue of his rage. If he had a few more minutes he could rest the fatigue away, but they didn't have minutes to spare. Instead he simply did what was easiest for him: use his strength to hold the barricade. It wasn't going to be easy in his fatigued state, but he couldn't do nothing. [color=a2d39c]"Damn!"[/color] Slammning his body against the door Orchid tried to brace himself as well as he could, but his entire body was numb, preventing him from mustering his full strength. While he was certainly giving it his all his arms were sore and between the numbness Orchid was finally starting to feel the hints of pain from the wounds over his body. Blood oozed from his wounds yet despite the pain he was still steadfast, determined not to let their hard work go to waste. [hider=Rolls] Current HP: 12/14 Athletics check to hold the door: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/1542]25[/url]/[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/1543]14[/url] with disadvantage because Orchid is still recovering from his rage. [/hider]