[h2]D.Va[/h2] Even if she wanted to get home, they have to work out a path to reaching that goal. And so, well... There was no way D.Va would actually protest teaming up. Especially alongside one of the original members of Overwatch. That was pretty awesome! Working together always made more sense then going it alone, at least when the game was built like that. And when it came to life you could treat it a lot like a multiplayer game. If you worked together, everything tended to come a lot faster. Naturally D.Va felt she was always MVP, but the faster they worked this stuff out, the faster they could all get home. It only made sense. And... sure, helping some people out along the way wasn't exactly a bad thing at all. Kind of like sidequests, right? Just not the really long ones that take ages to deal with, that'd feel like it was taking way too long to get home. And not if someone just needed twenty bear claws or something, since D.Va was pretty sure most people didn't actually need twenty bear claws. But in the end, it made a lot more sense to stick together regardless. "Alright," declared the small Korean girl, "Let's party up!" [@thewizardguy] [@Raineh Daze] [hr] [h2]Tachibana Hibiki[/h2] "Ehhh...? But it's all green, that doesn't look healthy at all!" Hibiki called, trying to catch up to the soldiers as they walked away. But they didn't seem interested... on top of that, if the gas was supposed to make them stronger, then why did they wear gas masks if they were supposed to be breathing it in? It just didn't make sense to Hibiki, but the men were rather swiftly retreating from sight... Hibiki frowned and looked around. There were so many people in trouble here, too, and it looked like the soldiers hadn't really done anything to help... However, as she looked around, she took note of a rather familiar face... silvery hair, short... In spite of the situation, Hibiki couldn't help but make a break for her friend and throw her arms around her for a hug. "Chris-chan!" [@CorpusMundus] [@Raineh Daze]