The group of young heroes continued walking through downtown Metropolis taking in all the sights. Sol was the most in awe, despite living on Earth for a little while now he still wasn't used to being around so many aliens. In all seriousness Momentum actually made him feel the most awkward, even though they've been chatting off and on the last few days like the best of friends. Sol was calling himself Ultra Boy on the other side of the United States in Coast City when Cosmic Boy found him. Metropolis is about three times the size of Coast City with about six times as many people. Working as a peacekeeping force for the United Planets came with some benefits in the form of personal credit cards. Sol's new wardrobe was already twice what it was back on Daxam. "I'm starting to love this city. No wonder Superman called it home. Anybody wanna go see his statue in Centennial Park?" Sol asked no one in particular. About time the group made it's way to a shopping mall noises could be heard from one of the more old school arcades. Most of the team paid it no mind, however there was [b][url=]a man walking through the mall[/url][/b] that had a strange look about him. As he approached a food stand it was clear the girl working at the eatery knew the man. "You wanna choose a life of making pretzels in this city over me? Do you have ANY idea where I was gonna take us Seline?" he screamed as a little electricity flickered in his eyes. Lights began flickering off and on as some burnt out or burst from too much electricity going into them. It was clear he had to be stopped, and it would seem most of the Legion had already got beyond earshot of the troubled young man. The arcade, as well as a certain someone, was just next door.... ~KL~