[center] Victory. It was a simple battle, and it followed how nearly every battle with Beo went. They attacked him, he was fine, then he killed them. This fight was no different, though this fight meant a bit more. Defeating an Elder Title Dead Apostle Ancestor was truly impressive, but that wasn't the exciting part about it. Imagine the kind of puppet Touko could use with that as a base? Such an act would be impossible for nearly every other Puppet maker, but Touko was truly the best. The Blizzard around her seemed to worsen as the battle ended, making it harder for her to see Beo, who had already changed back to his human form. Finding the corpse of the Dead Apostle was going to be difficult in the snow, but she'd do it. It was likely Beo wouldn't have a single issue sniffing him out, despite the blizzard that was going on around them. The Dead Apostle could wait, Touko needed to celebrate this victory. There was only one way to celebrate after a victory, and that was with a smoke. Touko crouched down towards the floor, and began to write something in the snow with her finger. Upon completiton, and pulling her finger back, the snow surrounding the area lit up in flames. It wasn't going to last very long, but it would last long enough. Touko pulled a cigarette from her pack, and used the flame she created in the snow to light it. The flame died right afterwards. The girl brought the cigarette to her lips, and she took in a small puff. The taste was terrible, something that not even the poorest of man would willingly smoke, but they were Touko's second favorite thing in the world. It was even rare to spot Touko without a cigarette in her mouth. She looked up at the snow covered sky, and closed her eyes as she took another drag from her cigarette. The world was oddly peaceful like this, despite being in the middle of a Blizzard. She really should get off the mountain, it probably wasn't the safest place to be. It would be a waste of a Touko puppet if she died to hypothermia... Huh, despite being in the middle of a Blizzard, the weather got oddly warm. She also didn't feel the snow falling on her face, and she also began to notice a smell. It wasn't a pleasant smell, far from it. The smell was also noticeably different from the smell in the blizzard, and a smell shouldn't change that radically so quickly. What caused such a change? Well, upon opening her eyes, Touko realized that she was no longer on top of a mountain, in the middle of a blizzard. She seemed to be in some kind disgusting slum, the type you'd find in some kind of large city. The architecture was strange, seeing as it seemed to be extremely old, from the Medieval European Era. Now, this normally wouldn't be too odd, however, this wasn't the kind of architecture you'd find in a blizzard, on a mountain, in Finland. She wasn't in Kansas anymore, but it still seemed like she had Beo. They should be fine. What kind of thing has Kaleidoscope dragged her into? "Beo, stay close. I'll figure this out soon enough. " Touko began her exploration of these slums, with her familiar happily following behind her. [/center]