[h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] There had first been some terrible sounds below, then the sight of a dead body and an injured man. Some sort of fight... a deadly one by the looks of it. It wasn't something Youmu was used to but it was also something she wasn't unprepared for. There was always that chance someone would come with killer intent rather then anything else, and it wasn't as if Youmu have trained in techniques that could not be lethal if they were not held back by danmaku rules. Still, the sight of blood made her wince reflexively. It wasn't a sight she was used to seeing, to say the least. And yet that was only the tip of the ice berg. Moments later, another figure appeared, one that immediately set off alarm bells in her mind. He was a hulking, red figure, who appeared to have the traits of a stereotypical demon. With all these powerless people in the area, there was no question of her next answer. Youmu left Luffy's side in the blink of an eye, careening through the air and landing in the midst of those below. In transit she had swiftly drawn both Roukanken and Hakuroken, the huge nodachi and the smaller katana gleaming in the sunlight as her feet hit the cobblestone. Her first act, if this was a fight without danmaku rules, had to be clearing out those who could be caught in the crossfire. "EVERYONE!" the diminutive white-haired girl cried, "RUN! Do [i]not[/i] stop! Do [i]not[/i] look back!" This was enough for most of the powerless people crowded around to run, but a few had been frozen up in fear. Youmu felt the need to reiterate, as a result. "[i]I said RUN![/i]" That got them moving. With that, Youmu's attention turned firmly to the red demon man. "I don't know what has you so angry," she began. It wasn't exactly hard to tell he was mad. "But whatever the case, this isn't a good place for a fight. If you don't back down, I will do everything in my power to stop you." Her katana gleamed as she readied herself. "On the honor of the Konpaku family." [@Masterkeun] [@MacDuffy] [@supertinyking] [@Wraithblade6]