I liked the hide format you both used...so I'm using it as well...Also WIP my original was lost and did this in a rush. [hider=Marc Rlyeh]: [b]Name: Marc Rlyeh[/b] [b]Age: 24[/b] [b]Gender: Male[/b][/hider] [hider=Appearance] [centre][IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d3/b6/39/d3b6390756db91ce607cc3a273eca24c.jpg[/IMG][/centre] Marc is surprising tall man and often mistaken for an army grunt due to his well muscled body. From his childhood on Dantooine, Marc has gained a number of scars from working on his family's farm. On his left arm he has the name of his daughter Angela and his soon to be wife Anya tattooed on his right arm. [/hider] [hider=Attributes] Marc is a natural Fighter pilot, At home amidst the Havoc that is Space dog fighting He is a terror to a trained rebel pilot. As a bomber pilot he is barely average. On the blaster range Marc is considered slightly below average with rifles and average with a pistol. Due to both his criminal record and knowing that Marc's sister is a known rebel, there are some who feel he doesn't belong in the cockpit of a fighter. When it comes to hand to hand fighting Marc shows remarkable skill in defending himself. [/hider] [hider=Personality] Regardless of what most people would say, Marc is a surprisingly good person. While he isn't the friendliest person for those who call him a friend have found themselves glad to have taken the chance to speak with him. When with his squad mates or friends he is a very easy going man, often cracking he occasional joke and play a hand or two of cards. Marc is a proud and loving father, just trying to support his daughter back home. [hider=Biography] Born to a family on Dantooine Marc was the first of three kids. Marc grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere with his neighbors being two hours away. Like most children he once had dreams, more then anything he wanted to go to school and become a doctor on some other world far way from Dantooine. Sadly fate had other ideas in mind. As the eldest it was his job to help support his family. Instead of school Marc was working around the farm. For much of his youth Marc's life was the farm, there was no time for what little social life a nobody farmer could find in the middle of nowhere. For years he watched his sister live the life he wanted. Kara, the eldest of his younger siblings, was sent to school. First it was the tiny school on dantooine then private tutors when they could pay for one. Marc had come to peace with his lot, he would stay a nobody farmer who never did anything with his life. His life would change when he Met Anya. Like Marc Anya was the eldest daughter of a farmer, they had met a few times when they went to the space port to sell their crops and they became quick friends.what little spare time he had Marc spent them with Anya On dantooine friendships were rare,unless you were old enough to go the the cantina there were few chances to meet people. As they both grew older their friendship grew. Soon the friendship would become something more. Marc found himself thinking of but her. Her long strtrawberry blonde hair, her green eyes and a smile that seemed to make all his troubles go way. Marc was 16 when he told he loved her. For six months they dated until Anya told she was pregnant. It was the greatest day of his life when Marc found out, but also the worst. Not two days after he found out the news, imperial officals pounded on his door. They were looking for his sister, as it turned out Kara had come into with Rebel sympathizers. She believed in the cause, and joined at the first chance she got. For just being her brother he was arrested and charged as a traitor, when it was found not did he not any connections with the rebels instead of asking for death he was given an option. Serve in the military, where he was expected to die, or go to prison.[/hider] [/hider]