[@Masterkeun] [@Wraithblade6] [@VitaVitaAR] [center][h1][color=39b54a]Luigi[/color][/h1][/center] "....." Luigi was silent, jolting, feeling a presence that made him feel a tingle. A tingly, tingle. A tingle that meant one thing, one bad thing. [color=ed1c24]Heresy[/color]. Looking around, he quickly spotted the huge form of Magnus the Red, in all his terrifying heretical glory. The Daemon Primearch, a being of pure terror, of sorcery, and generally, of death to people like Luigi.Luigi's sly tongue froze, his pride shattered under the weight of the fear induced by Magnus's appearance. Luigi reached down deep, to retrieve some sort of response. What would of left his mouth would of been a terrified scream. However, a familiar sight reared its head, as a small girl with white hair appeared, and told others to run, and not look back. For a moment, his mind went back, to the beginning of the fight with the Dark Eldar. Run, and don't look back..... Run, I'll cover your escape... This girl embodied one of Luigi's most prized values, defending others above yourself. She showed no fear, maybe her mind was to small. Blessed was the mind to small for fear, for doubt. Those minds were those that were born pure, and died pure. Luigi knew he had no place running, despite what all the fear within him demanded him to do. Luigi stood up, and moved forwards, standing beside the girl, shaking. He was terrified, but he stood bravely. ".....I...know what we fight. We're both already dead, but hopefully the civilians are able to escape...give them a few more moments, before the Inquisition comes to destroy this town....I will fight beside you, for the Emperor..." He declares, revving his chain-sword.