[center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/death-star.regular_zpsuxsr3anq.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Vader_zpsrglvsq9b.png[/img] [b]Mention:[/b] [@thewizardguy] District 22 (Harbor) [hr][hr][/center] But before Vader could get a response, it appeared that the Doom Slayer simply walked off into some portal that randomly generated from nowhere. Why he did so is a mystery. Perhaps he was just too weirded out by the world he was in. However, the Sith Lord didn't care. He was going to Force Choke him anyways. Without a word, he simply continues walking to the harbor Yet as he begins walking through the sparse streets, with ships being docked to his right he suddenly senses a familiar aura. The aura was that of the dark side. He stops dead in his tracks, not in fear, but of wonder. At first he considers that his master, Darth Sidious, was somehow nearby or at the very least the master sith lord could be trying to communicate with him with the force. Yet this wasn't as powerful as his master. His master's dark side aura would be much more intense, much more electrifying... and extremely musty. This scent was weaker, yet oddly familiar. It felt young and agile... yet at the same time a smell that felt much more ancient. Vader hasn't encountered any pre-Clone Wars era sith lords other than Darth Maul, and even then he's sensed his presence before the Battle of Yavin, until it mysteriously vanished. Lord Vader stands still, trying to pin-point the rival sith's location while trying to recognize the scent. He has read and studied the ancient sith lords that came before him and even Palpatine at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, from Darth Malgus to Darth Bane, from Naga Sadow to Lord Vitiate. It took him a short awhile, but eventually he began to figure who he is. The scent became clear that it was roughly 1000 years ago, during the Era of Darth Bane. Yet it wasn't Bane's aura... it wasn't that strong. He then considers Zannah... yet it wasn't a match either. Only two individuals remained, both apprentices of Darth Zannah. Darth Cognus was the first sith that came into his head, the Huntress, and the next was... [b][i]"SET HARTH."[/i][/b] Once saying the name, it ripples through the force, causing any force-sensitive to hear this.. "telepathic" announcement. At last, he has recognized the aura. It was the closest he has to the aura he was feeling. He even remembers Palpatine mentioning Harth in a private secession during the Clone Wars. Obviously Harth should be dead... but he remembers hearing rumors and unconfirmed reports that he has somehow still alive, hiding in the far reaches of the galaxy, far from any Imperial presence. But how could he be still alive? Did he clone himself through all these years? If so, how was he able to clone himself for so long? Could Vader have found the location of Harth's Clone just by coincidence? By simple chance? Or could he have found the scent of Set Harth from another dimension? Yet without further delay, Vader is able to pinpoint where he is and begins walking rapidly towards the other sith's location. He will like to have a few "words" with him....