[color=90bbbb] [hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/JXWkX8J.png[/img][hr][hr][indent][indent]Sometimes it's pointless to add in rules when most people should know what they are doing in the first place, but alas, if we do not then we are only hindering the roleplay itself. [indent][color=fce0cd]» Treat one another as you want to be treated[/color][indent]Yes we are going all religious on this one, but this should cover the majority of attitude based problems. Respect your GM and any Co-GMs, treat your fellow players with the decency that they deserve, and understand that our primary concern is the progression of this roleplay and the comfort of the players. Any individual who challenges that will be removed from the RP.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Powerplaying, Metagaming, Godmodding, etc[/color][indent]Don't do it. If you do not understand any of these terms then please read this page: [url=http://rsroleplay.wikia.com/wiki/Common_Rules_of_Roleplay][Common Rules of Roleplaying][/url][/indent][color=fce0cd]» Posting and Collaborations[/color][indent]This roleplay will be moving along at a pace of about 1 or 2 posts per fortnight, leaving enough time for each player to comfortably respond with a decent post. Any collaborate posts should keep in consideration the number of players that are involved and the times at which these players are available. If you are having difficulty completing the post see if there is a way to separate your characters so that your efforts don't hold up the group as a whole.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Writing Horror[/color][indent]In this roleplay it is possible that we will be exploring mature themes. The rules revolving around maturity are intended to be loosely interpreted. However, the key here is to always keep it tasteful. Avoid explicit words, over-the-top scenes, and details of passion. Always keep your writing tasteful, and employ the most useful tools at your disposal: Implication and Fade-to-Black.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Discord [url=https://discord.gg/jmZS8BC][Garden of Shadow Discord Server][/url][/color][indent]We do have a Discord server set up for people that wish to chat. It's easy to join and will help connect you with your fellow players. Guild/RP rules will apply there so don't do anything to jeopardise your chances in participating.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Inactivity and Dropping Players[/color][indent]Your own activity is your own concern. We may write out players that are unnecessarily inactive after a given amount of time. If something should come up please inform us ahead of schedule.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/CELE0Rj.png[/img][hr][hr][indent][indent]Thank you: [@Architect][@ClocktowerEchos][@Kangaroo][@Rekaigan][@Masque][@NuttsnBolts]For all of your help and support! Thank you for helping me create this, and may this roleplay see a long life.[/indent][/indent][/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XxQWULh.jpg[/img][/center]