So, I just saw the new episodes (which, according to CN, were "intentionally" leaked, which I doubt) and WOW dat was some gud steven [hider=just in case someone hasnt seen the episodes, SPOILERS] This was a fantastic Steven Bomb. Honestly, this is a tie for best bomb in my book, the other being the first one...and the fourth one....what a great show. We got to see looks into gem culture and society, the relationship between the diamonds, the "famethyst", which gave us a look into what the average, run of the mill gem does. Which is, according to rules, sit in a box when not on duty. Also, we got to see that, at least on this outpost, from the Amethysts, the Jasper, and the Carnelian, it seems that normal gems don't really care about their direct higher-up. I liked this, it made the Gems seem more like people than robots. The fact that they found out Amethyst was an infiltrator, and then used that information not to set the alarm off, but to play a prank and-perhaps intentionally- end up rescuing said Amethyst's HUMAN friends. The writing of the pretending-to-be-homeworld part was great. Everything was great. [/hider]